Forest Kindergarten models a Forest School approach for the Early Years, and is based around child-centred learning through play. Forest Kindergarten offers young children frequent, regular play opportunities outdoors in a natural setting, often woodland, in almost all weathers throughout the year.
Scottish Forestry developed Forest Kindergarten to connect young children, staff and parents from Early Year’s establishments with their natural heritage. A Forest Kindergarten training course has been developed and is currently being delivered through teacher training colleges and universities. The course is based upon three variables – people, place and activities.

Most early years establishments adopting a Forest Kindergarten approach allocate one session per week, using trained staff to lead programmes. However, this can be increased to children being outdoors more than 80% of the time. Forest Kindergarten supports child-centred learning through play, in a ‘real world’ context, provides young children with freedom to explore, using multiple senses, promotes health and well-being, confidence and physical and emotional resilience, supports the acquisition of knowledge, skills and care for the natural heritage. It is not surprising that parents and carers are increasingly keen to see their children offered regular and frequent outdoor experiences.
Young children with Forest Kindergarten experience can progress naturally to other outdoor learning opportunities including Forest School programmes.