Welcome to Dumfries and Galloway OWL Group

Here you’ll be able to find out what the group’s up to at the moment, read minutes of previous meetings or find out when we’re next getting together.

The group is an informal mix of people with an interest in outdoor learning, including school & nursery practitioners/teachers/educators, Forest School leaders, Beach School Leaders, Branching Out Leaders, countryside rangers, organisations, charities and individuals.

Our vision is that all people in Dumfries & Galloway can easily access high-quality, outdoor learning locally.

Our main current projects are:
* Branching Out, see more info here: https://dgdoingmore.co.uk/how-to-do-more/branching-out/
* Teacher Training and work in schools and nurseries throughout the region.

We are a registered Community Interest Company (CIC), and our objects are:
The objects of the Company are to carry on activities which benefit the community and in particular (without limitation) to
1. Provide first-hand outdoor learning opportunities
Increase use of the natural environment as a means of understanding and appreciating it.
Increase use of the natural environment as a place for learning.
2. Increase environmental understanding and awareness
Increase opportunities to learn about the importance of natural environments (such as woodlands, wetlands, meadows and mountains) for conservation of the environment, for the landscape, and for biodiversity.
Increase understanding of industries that depend upon the natural environment (e.g. forestry, timber processing)
3. Sustainable Development
Increase opportunities for people to learn about the links between natural resources and the benefits (social, economic and environmental) of sustainable use, both locally and globally.
4. Emotional and Physical Well Being
Increase opportunities for individuals and communities to improve their emotional and physical well-being through a range of educational, training and learning experiences in and about the natural environment


  • DGOWL Meeting and Foraging Skillshare

    April 12, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

    Mabie Forest

  • DGOWL Meeting & Skill Share

    February 8, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - January 14, 2025 @ 8:04 am


  • DGOWL AGM & Skill Share

    December 8, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

    YMCA, 5 Digby St, Gatehouse of Fleet, Castle Douglas, DG7 2JW

Title Publish Date
DGOWL Meeting 08/02/2023 (ZOOM) 31/01/2023 Download
AGM DGOWL December 2023 December 2023 Download
DGOWL Meeting 11am Fri 12th April 2024 in Mabie Forest Download

Branching Out Dumfries and Galloway

There is lots of information about the Dumfries and Galloway Branching Out Programme on our website here:


Co-chair, Elizabeth Tindal



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