Eilidh Malcolm
September 5, 2023 at 1:03 pm - Reply
Approved. Please ensure that all events have evaluations completed after them and that OWL Scotland funded events/ sessions have a strong tree/ woodland/ forestry focus. Eilidh must be notified in advance of any funded activities so that a visit can be arranged. Thanks for all your great work. Please now have two office bearers sign the grant PDF and email this back to eilidh.malcolm@forestry.gov.scot. Thank you
Approved. Please ensure that all events have evaluations completed after them and that OWL Scotland funded events/ sessions have a strong tree/ woodland/ forestry focus. Eilidh must be notified in advance of any funded activities so that a visit can be arranged. Thanks for all your great work. Please now have two office bearers sign the grant PDF and email this back to eilidh.malcolm@forestry.gov.scot. Thank you