Scottish Junior Forester Award- Crathes, Banchory

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Scottish Junior Forester Award- Crathes, Banchory


February 3, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

This course is aimed at teachers/practitioners/youth workers etc. who wish to undertake the Scottish Junior Forester Award with young people

This will be a fully outdoors, hands on training day. We'll be looking at all areas of the award and making sure you have the skills and knowledge needed to run award. We'll be using tools and carrying out some basic woodland management as well as looking at Identification and assessing risk.

Organiser: OWL Scotland
Contact Number: 07769682521
Contact Email:
Venue: Crathes Castle and Estate


Crathes Castle
Crathes Castle and Estate
Crathes, Aberdeenshire AB31 5QJ United Kingdom
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